Showing posts with label video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video. Show all posts

May 13, 2011

Bill Cavalier - Adventure Coach

Saw this on Monte Cook's Twitter feed.  Freakin' hilarious!

January 27, 2011

Videos from the Showdown in the Upper Temple of Orcus

I've been really slacking on posting campaign updates. I hope to do so in depth at some point, but just to catch you up to speed: the party finally finished the Showdown in the Upper Temple of Orcus, explored the dungeon a bit more, and, yes, decided to go down the infamous well (they are still exploring down there).

Back when we first started the Showdown, Rob took a view videos.  I figured I might as well share them.  They aren't the most action packed, and dear lord, do I sound like a tool, but, hey, what the hell?  The party had just entered the temple via a magical secret backdoor.  Dave's Roxxxor the Chaotic Awesome half-orge barbarian was still alive and had taken the platform above the lava.  You can hear his theme music in the background.  For those of you playing along at home, he bit it in the next session, being pushed into said lava. 

The videos start with the party wizard, played by Sam, fireballing some priests of Orcus and their thug guards.  I'm rolling their saves, saying "ash" for those that were incinerated.  I think Sam is the one simulating the screams of the burning priests.  Oh, and you can hear me bemoaning the players working the neutral alignment loophole to the bone (i.e., they avoid a lot of penalties in Rappan Athuk because they aren't goodly aligned). Yeah, hot D&D action at its finest.  Suffice it to say, D&D is much more fun to play than watch.

Oh, I tend to swear a lot when I DM, so be warned.

November 19, 2010

My Hill Giant Impersonation

The Castles & Crusades adventure I ran at GASPCon 11, Dwarven Glory: The Winding Stair, was a bit on the short side, so I added a hill giant encounter.  I made the hill giant not-quite right to tie in a bit with the adventure.  Here I show how the hill giant acts when he misses with a boulder. (Many thanks to John for the footage!)

November 18, 2010

GASPCon 11 Footage

GASPCon 11 was last weekend and it was a blast.  I’ll hopefully post more about it at some point, but until then, here is some footage by Tim (the head of RPGing for GASP).  He played in my Castles & Crusades game (check out around 3:37 for some video of it).  That was a great session and I look forward to GMing more C&C next year.

September 16, 2010

Great Old Spice Body Wash

It had to happen sooner or later…  thanks to Dave the Knave for the link.

June 15, 2010

The Care Bear Slaughter

I am having way too much fun with my wife's Flip Camera (which I just happened to get her for her last birthday). The thing is just so damn easy to use. Anyhow, here is another clip of Chaos and Mayhem putting their form swords to good use.

This started off as a duel between the two, but the girls soon turned their collective wrath upon an innocent Care Bear bystander.

May 27, 2010

Mayhem Unleashed

Chaos isn't the only one enjoying the new foam weaponry in our house. She was quite benevolent and bestowed a sword and shield to Mayhem. Little Mayhem took to her blade with great fervor, as you can witness below. Actually, she liked the weapons immediately, while it took Chaos a bit to warm up to them.

Behold the fury of Mayhem....

[6/15/10 EDIT: Updated with a better quality video]