Showing posts with label humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label humor. Show all posts

October 14, 2024

My Castles & Crusades House Rules: Part 6 - Miscellany & Weirdness

"DMing the Planes" by Cory Trego-Erdner
Here is a hodgepodge of various rules and weird things to wrap up these C&C house rules posts.

Dice Rolls
  • Only dice rolled on the table count. If a die hits the floor, it will be re-rolled.
  • Cocked die rolls are re-rolled.

Gnomish Healing Brandy

(originally posted here)


"Beer Drinking Gnome" by brizzledood

  • By the book, potions of cure light wounds (a.k.a. potions of healing) go for 300 gp a pop.  That is a bit pricey for low-level PCs, but I like how C&C keeps magic a bit rare and didn't want to mess with that.  Gnomish Healing Brandy was my answer; a good dose of healing for a reasonable cost, but with some side-effects.  It should be suitable for any D&D-style game.


  • 50 gp
  • Note: price may vary by availability and how willing the gnome brewer is to sell to non-humans


  • An amber liquor that smells richly of honey and blackberries. It tastes overly sweet, but it is light and easy going down the hatch. The brandy is usually bottled in a drinking gourd. The recipe is a closely guarded secret.


  • Heals 1d6 HP, but the character must make a constitution save (CL 0) or suffer -1 to hit and -1 to AC for 1d4 rounds due to the extreme buzz.
  • A flask contains one dose and multiple doses can be taken (1 per round).  However, a save must be made for each dose and the effects are cumulative.
  • For example, a character that took two doses would make a save for each dose and, if both saves failed, the character would suffer -2 to hit and -2 to AC.
  • The CK may rule that failed saves result in other ill effects (e.g., troubling casting spells, penalties to dexterity or charisma checks, etc.)
  • The character must be conscious or, at the least, at 0 HP to take a dose.

Carousing Mishaps

by Jeff Rients  (also available in Fight On! Issue #4)

  • These tables are now ubiquitous, but you gotta love the original.
  • Please see Jeff's blog for the details! - Party Like It's 999

On Being Turned to Stone compliments of Jonathan Drain

  • A character turned to stone can attempt to strike a heroic pose in order to make a better looking statue. If sold, his statue fetches 100 gp times the result of a Charisma check.

August 21, 2012

The Dungeon Bastard on my DMing Style

I wasn't able to attend GenCon this year, but two of my friends, Hans and John made it, and they met the one and only Bill Cavalier - Dungeon Bastard!

They told them how, after a year of play, they are only 3rd level in my campaign.  This was his reaction.

It reads, "DAN - QUIT BEING A DICK."

Close up.

REJECTED from The Badass Dungeon Crushers Association!

April 16, 2012

Steve the Yuan-ti Party Hound now has some friends....

Meet Harry "the Hard-rockin'" Hydra and Medusa "the Gin-drinking" Gorgon...
Harry, Steve, and Medusa having a few laughs.

February 16, 2012

Dungeon Master Dog

I felt there was a need to balance out the various D&D cats on the web with some dogs, so I asked my wife to take some shots of our hell hound, Heidi.  Enjoy.  (More here on Flickr: link)

DM Dog - DM prep is tiring.

DM Dog - Old School Dog is not down with Prestige Classes

DM Dog - What do you mean we're out of Mountain Dew?