Showing posts with label experience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label experience. Show all posts

October 7, 2024

My Castles & Crusades House Rules: Part 5 - Experience Points & Gaining Levels

"Netease-Black Bind" by Yin Yuming
Experience Point (XP) Award Nominations
  • In addition to XP earned for monster slaying, treasure, story bonuses, etc., characters may earn XP for good game play by the player. 
  • After each session, players can send the Castle Keeper (CK) a message nominating anyone (including themselves) that did a great job at the session. 
  • Although players can provide their nominations publicly, an email or a private message is preferred. 
  • Players are encouraged to nominate themselves because often something subtle, but important, goes overlooked by the group or CK.
    • Once the CK receives the nominations, they evaluate them, consider the session themselves, and issue out XP Awards accordingly.
    • "Good game play" can be anything that contributes to the game session overall. 
      • Examples of good game play:
        • kicked ass in combat in a particular fashion
        • did something really cool in combat, even if it wasn’t overly effective
        • two words: Epic Fail
        • role-played very well
        • busted up the group in laughter
        • pleased the CK in some inane manner
        • brought pie
        • got the CK drunk

    "Mentor of the Meek" by algenpfleger

    No Training Required to Level Up

    • Per the Players Handbook, a character has to train after earning enough XP to level up.
    • House rule: Whenever a character has enough XP, they level up whenever they're able. Meaning, you don't level up in the middle of an encounter, but pretty many other time. 
    Rationale: XP is hard-earned. No sense delaying the fun of leveling up.  Besides, XP is an abstraction so why stress about it?  Besides, I don't reminder Conan or Strider stopping every to train.

    "Pirate Treasure" by Miggs69

    All Loot and Monster XP is Shared

    • Per the Players Handbook:
      • Monsters defeated (not necessarily slain): XP is shared for all party members.
      • Money acquired (e.g., coins, gems, jewelry, etc.):  XP is shared for all party members.
    • House rule: Magic item XP is also shared throughout the party, not just the individual PC. This XP is immediate (rather than for only the individual character that acquires it and only after using it for a while).
    Rationale:  Assigning XP to only the character who acquires a magic item can encourage some weird competition/envy/annoyance among a group. It seems unfair to doubly reward the character/player - they get both the advantage of the item and also the XP value?  It's pretty rare for a character to get a magic item without the help of other party members.  Also, I reward the XP once acquired, rather than after use, simply because it's a book-keeping headache otherwise.

    "Jewels" by Jonas Akerlund
    Monetary Values Known for Gems, Baubles, and Goods

    • When gems, jewelry, statues, and the like are acquired by the party, the CK will immediately relate the monetary value for these items.
    Rationale: This simply makes for easier book-keeping.