Showing posts with label contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contest. Show all posts

October 9, 2012

Score! I won The Secret DM's contest

The Secret DM
held a contest a while back and I won! Very cool. I love how he used a randomizer to pick the winner.

He was kind of enough to send the prize money to me via Paypal so I can blow it at Con on the Cob this weekend.

August 16, 2012

April 22, 2011

Con on the Cob giving out a Free Hotel Room

According to its Facebook page, Con on the Cob is giving a way one free hotel room to one lucky person who registers by May 1st.

I have never been to this convention, but have heard it's a blast.

October 4, 2010

A Winner is Me!

a_winner_is_you So I was perusing my Google Reader today and saw I’ve won a copy of Rite Publishing’s Book of Monster Templates (in PDF and print, no less).  Many thanks to Troll in the Corner and Rite Publishing.

September 25, 2010

Let’s See What You Got – The Gestalt World Challenge

Fantasy_World_by_EvilDemonAkira Last year I entered a Castles & Crusades Society contest and managed to win a copy of Brave Halfling’s Ruins of Ramat module (see here: link).  The contest took place on the now-defunct C&CS message boards.  It was called the Gestalt World Contest and I think Robert Doyel, author of the excellent (and highly underrated) Engineering Dungeons, started it. (A quick side note, if you are interested in Engineering Dungeons, don’t let the fact it’s a C&C product put you off. It is damn near system neutral and well worth $10).

The contest was a lot of fun and generated some great content.  I say we bloggers do something similar.  It won’t be a contest, but rather simply a cool way to churn out some ideas.
Here is how it works:

1.) Take the name of a person, item, or location offered up by a fellow blogger.

2.) Write up your description for the name and post it on your blog.  Include a link to the name’s source.

3.) Include a new name in your blog post for another person to use.

4.) Rinse, wash, repeat.

Obviously the blog-o-world isn’t centralized, so we’ll have some redundancy, but who cares?  The worst that will happen is we’ll get alternate descriptions. That sounds fine to me.

I’ll kick this off with the description I used for the original contest.

Manistus the Scrivener

Manistus the Scrivener was renowned for his ability to transcribe magic writings, such as spells ink and scrolls. His transcriptions were works of art, containing beautiful calligraphy. However, the transcribed texts he provided were not quite the same as the originals: they were superior. A wizard casting spells from such transcriptions was able to empower his magics beyond his normal capabilities. Not surprisingly, Manistus' services were in high demand and he charged a pretty price.

Thirteen years ago, Manistus disappeared. Three wizards, clients of the scrivener, eager to protect their works (and possibly pilfer those of others) invaded his home, a nondescript outpost outside the city of Wavery. They discovered that not only was Manistus gone, but so were all of his instruments: papers, inks, quills, and so on. Much to their dismay, not one page of magic writing was to be found.

Although no proof has ever been shown, dark rumors still circulate as to the nature of Manistus' abilities. Some say that he made a dark pact with a devil. Others say that his transcriptions, often noted for their odd color, were penned in the blood of the innocent.

Next: The Green Gauntlet of Magla Lock

Go for it.
[*Fantasy World by EvilDemonAkira and  Blood Ink picture by Minutestocountdown]

July 22, 2010

Pathfinder, Zombies, and a Chance to Win some Pathfinder Tomes

Troll in the Corner is having a contest to support its Aruneus campaign setting project.  Check it out here and enter: link  What is Aruneus?  Sounds like it's Pathfinder meets Dawn of the Dead... in other words, it sounds very cool.

(Yes, part of the reason I made this post was to score an extra chance at winning the contest, but it really does sound like a great product.  Check it out).

December 22, 2009

"Major Award"

As noted at Under Siege, yours truly has won a "major award." The Castles & Crusades Society held a contest quite some time ago at their, now defunct, forums. The contest required participants to post a short description of just about anything that could be useful in a campaign world. For example, you could post a write-up of a character, a magic artifact, etc. After you made your post, you provided the title for the next poster. In my case, the previous poster had provided the name "Manistus the Scrivener." After I posted my description, I suggested "The Dark Horse of Winter."

I thought the guy's write up of "The Dark Horse of Winter" was pretty badass, actually. It was a a great description about how this constellation called "The Dark Horse of Winter" would appear in the winter sky every few years and was seen as an incredibly bad omen.

Anyhow, my "Manistus the Scrivener" was good enough for sixth place, so that earned me a copy of The Ruins of Ramat, an adventure module that I've heard good things about. Unfortunately, I didn't save a copy of that write up anywhere and I have to wait until the next The DomesdayBook web-zine publishes to read it. I'll be damned if I can remember what I wrote.