Showing posts with label campaign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label campaign. Show all posts

January 18, 2025

A Free Google Sites Template for Your Campaign

A few years back I used a site called Epic Words for my first Castles & Crusades campaign. It was a free service (with paid levels) that let you organize your
campaign with wikis, maps, share resources, set up forums, track XP, etc. It was great. Sadly, it no longer exists.  

Today, there are a ton of options out there: World Anvil, Obsidian, Legend Keeper, Notion, Kanka, and more.  These sites are simply too much for me. They do more than I want. So I played around and found Google Sites and re-created my own version of Epic Words.

My Campaign Site Template

Here is a preview of the published template: click me

  • It should be pretty easy to customize as you see fit. 
  • I used public domain art that can be replaced with whatever you like.  
  • You can also see screenshots of my own site below.
  • See below for directions on how to copy and use the template (it's not hard).

DM fuel.
How to Copy and Use My Template

Step 1: Pour yourself a glass of Tin Cup Whiskey.

Step 2: Drink said whiskey in parallel to the steps below.

Step 3. Create a new Google Drive folder to store your site files.

Step 4: Go to my Google Docs shared folder: Double D's Google Drive

Step 5: Right-click on the template file and "Make a copy" of it.
List view.

You might see thumbnails, depending on your settings.

Step 6. That will place a copy of the template file... 
  • "Copy of DungeoneeringDadsCampaignTemplate" the top level of your Drive. Copy/move that file into your new Drive folder.

Step 7. In order to get the supporting Google Drive structure, head back to my Google Drive, right-click on the ZIP file and download it. (This will give you the subfolders you need, so ignore everything else in the folder.)

Step 8: Unzip the downloaded ZIP file, which will give you the folders and sheets.

Step 9: Upload the entire extracted folders into your Drive folder.

Step. 9: In your Drive folder, click on the template file and edit away! 

Edit away!

It's probably a good idea to familiarize yourself with Google Sites. Here is one of the many tutorials on YouTube: Google Sites Tutorial for Complete Beginners 2024

The Party Rooster and XP Tracker pages point to Google Sheets, and I included copies of those. Adjust them as needed for your game.

Some nice features of Google Sites:

  • You can connect it to Google Drive (in a lot of ways, it's basically a "front end" to Google Drive).
  • You can lock down permissions to restrict access to files to just your players.
  • You can customize it as you see fit.
  • Easy to work with and tweak and overall nerd out with.
There is one thing I could not easily replicate: a forum. I tried a few different things and settled on embedding a Padlet board (also a free option). If I did it right, those boards are embedded in the template above. If not, you can see how to embedd them here: How to Embed a Padlet Wall  My group uses these boards for XP Awards and Party Chatter.

If someone else knows a good way to embed a forum, please share!

Screenshots of my Castles & Crusades Site

Exhilarating homepage!

XP ... for glory!

Our "heroes."

The party forum (i.e., dick jokes).

Rewards for both exceptional and exceptionally stupid play.

A page to gather the feel and vibe of the campaign.

Gaming stuff.

The rules of the house!

You are here.

October 14, 2024

My Castles & Crusades House Rules: Part 6 - Miscellany & Weirdness

"DMing the Planes" by Cory Trego-Erdner
Here is a hodgepodge of various rules and weird things to wrap up these C&C house rules posts.

Dice Rolls
  • Only dice rolled on the table count. If a die hits the floor, it will be re-rolled.
  • Cocked die rolls are re-rolled.

Gnomish Healing Brandy

(originally posted here)


"Beer Drinking Gnome" by brizzledood

  • By the book, potions of cure light wounds (a.k.a. potions of healing) go for 300 gp a pop.  That is a bit pricey for low-level PCs, but I like how C&C keeps magic a bit rare and didn't want to mess with that.  Gnomish Healing Brandy was my answer; a good dose of healing for a reasonable cost, but with some side-effects.  It should be suitable for any D&D-style game.


  • 50 gp
  • Note: price may vary by availability and how willing the gnome brewer is to sell to non-humans


  • An amber liquor that smells richly of honey and blackberries. It tastes overly sweet, but it is light and easy going down the hatch. The brandy is usually bottled in a drinking gourd. The recipe is a closely guarded secret.


  • Heals 1d6 HP, but the character must make a constitution save (CL 0) or suffer -1 to hit and -1 to AC for 1d4 rounds due to the extreme buzz.
  • A flask contains one dose and multiple doses can be taken (1 per round).  However, a save must be made for each dose and the effects are cumulative.
  • For example, a character that took two doses would make a save for each dose and, if both saves failed, the character would suffer -2 to hit and -2 to AC.
  • The CK may rule that failed saves result in other ill effects (e.g., troubling casting spells, penalties to dexterity or charisma checks, etc.)
  • The character must be conscious or, at the least, at 0 HP to take a dose.

Carousing Mishaps

by Jeff Rients  (also available in Fight On! Issue #4)

  • These tables are now ubiquitous, but you gotta love the original.
  • Please see Jeff's blog for the details! - Party Like It's 999

On Being Turned to Stone compliments of Jonathan Drain

  • A character turned to stone can attempt to strike a heroic pose in order to make a better looking statue. If sold, his statue fetches 100 gp times the result of a Charisma check.

October 7, 2024

My Castles & Crusades House Rules: Part 5 - Experience Points & Gaining Levels

"Netease-Black Bind" by Yin Yuming
Experience Point (XP) Award Nominations
  • In addition to XP earned for monster slaying, treasure, story bonuses, etc., characters may earn XP for good game play by the player. 
  • After each session, players can send the Castle Keeper (CK) a message nominating anyone (including themselves) that did a great job at the session. 
  • Although players can provide their nominations publicly, an email or a private message is preferred. 
  • Players are encouraged to nominate themselves because often something subtle, but important, goes overlooked by the group or CK.
    • Once the CK receives the nominations, they evaluate them, consider the session themselves, and issue out XP Awards accordingly.
    • "Good game play" can be anything that contributes to the game session overall. 
      • Examples of good game play:
        • kicked ass in combat in a particular fashion
        • did something really cool in combat, even if it wasn’t overly effective
        • two words: Epic Fail
        • role-played very well
        • busted up the group in laughter
        • pleased the CK in some inane manner
        • brought pie
        • got the CK drunk

    "Mentor of the Meek" by algenpfleger

    No Training Required to Level Up

    • Per the Players Handbook, a character has to train after earning enough XP to level up.
    • House rule: Whenever a character has enough XP, they level up whenever they're able. Meaning, you don't level up in the middle of an encounter, but pretty many other time. 
    Rationale: XP is hard-earned. No sense delaying the fun of leveling up.  Besides, XP is an abstraction so why stress about it?  Besides, I don't reminder Conan or Strider stopping every to train.

    "Pirate Treasure" by Miggs69

    All Loot and Monster XP is Shared

    • Per the Players Handbook:
      • Monsters defeated (not necessarily slain): XP is shared for all party members.
      • Money acquired (e.g., coins, gems, jewelry, etc.):  XP is shared for all party members.
    • House rule: Magic item XP is also shared throughout the party, not just the individual PC. This XP is immediate (rather than for only the individual character that acquires it and only after using it for a while).
    Rationale:  Assigning XP to only the character who acquires a magic item can encourage some weird competition/envy/annoyance among a group. It seems unfair to doubly reward the character/player - they get both the advantage of the item and also the XP value?  It's pretty rare for a character to get a magic item without the help of other party members.  Also, I reward the XP once acquired, rather than after use, simply because it's a book-keeping headache otherwise.

    "Jewels" by Jonas Akerlund
    Monetary Values Known for Gems, Baubles, and Goods

    • When gems, jewelry, statues, and the like are acquired by the party, the CK will immediately relate the monetary value for these items.
    Rationale: This simply makes for easier book-keeping.

    September 30, 2024

    My Castles & Crusades House Rules: Part 4 - Spell Casting Rules

    Dwarves vs Duergar by Brian Paul Thomas

    Disclaimer:  Many of the rules below are not original house rules, but rather optional rules detailed in the Castle Keepers Guide.  For those, I'll focus on my rationale for choosing to use those rules more than the specific content (go read the CKG, you bastards).

    Allowed Spell Resources

    Detect Alignment and Detect Neutrality Works Only on Things, Not People

    • The detect alignment and detect neutrality spells do not function in regard to sentient beings.
    • The spells do work for insentient entities, such as magic weapons or haunted locations, because such effects are typically a function of magic or supernatural power.
    • Higher-level spells and spell-like abilities with similar capabilities function normally.
    Rationale: This spell can make interactions with NPCs and monsters too easy (especially for 0 level spells).
    Player 1: "Can we attack this guy?"

    Player 2: "I cast detect alignment."

    CK: "You're picking up evil vibes."

    Player 1: "Nice. Let's kill this dude!" 


    "Necromancer" by Jonathan Chong

    Spell Slots (optional rule from CKG)

    • Rather than spellcasters needing to memorize/select spells beforehand, the player uses their number of allotted spells per level as "spell slots."
    Rationale: I have nothing against the traditional Vancian magic system.  While the flexibility of spontaneous spell casting/selection is a bonus for the players, my primary reason is to keep things moving at the table.  Not always, but daily spell selection can (understandably) result in a good bit of table talk time.  The spell slot approach eliminates that.

    "Wizard" by Jonas Akerlund
    Spell Casting Focus (optional rule from CKG)
    • Spellcasters perform a ritual to charge up a special focus (e.g., a staff, wand, gem, crystal ball, holy symbol, etc.) with the spell components needed to cast that spell.  
    • When the spellcaster wishes to cast that spell, they call upon the power of those components from within the focus to do so. 
    • The player then tracks the use of the component "charge" from the focus.
    • The character then later reloads the focus after acquiring the necessary spell components.
    • If a spell doesn't require a material component, the focus isn't required.

    Rationale: In almost every D&D-ish game I've run, there has been little-to-no attention paid to spell components.  I like how the focus works like charges in a wand and the element of resource management.  I also like upping the importance of a spellcaster having a cool item. It's a concrete way to bring into play that classic image of a wizard with a staff or wand or cleric holding a holy symbol.

    "Hood" by MOONO Illustrations
    The Illusionist Makes Healing Rolls, Not the Recipient 
    (Formerly an optional rule from CKG; now the standard rule in current Players Handbook printings.)
    • One of the unique things about C&C is that the Illusionist class has access to healing spells. 
    • The idea is that Illusionist tricks the target into believing that they are healed and the target's body responds accordingly. 
    • In earlier printings of the PH, the target had to fail an intelligence save in order for the spell to work.
    • Instead of that, the Illusionist has to make the attribute check for the spell to work. 
    Rationale: Requiring the target to fail a check to get the benefit was just weird (although I understood the reasoning).  I like the idea of putting the power into the caster's court, rather than the recipient's. Given that the rule was changed, seems like I was not alone. 

    September 23, 2024

    My Castles & Crusades House Rules: Part 3 - SIEGE Checks (B.S. Bonuses & Crits)

    "Giant Slayers" by Scotchlover

    Background Story (B.S.) Bonus

    • Before a SIEGE check, if a player relates some story or experience from their character’s past that applies to the current situation, the Castle Keeper (CK) may grant a bonus to the SIEGE check roll. 
    • If a player comes up with a convincing reason, the CK may grant a bonus for a SIEGE check and/or allow the player to add the character's level to the roll in a situation where one would normally not.
    • The player must then write this information down on his character sheet and it becomes a permanent part of the character’s story.
    • For example, if the player explains that long ago his dad would take him out to pick wild blueberries, he may receive a +2 bonus to his foraging for blueberries roll (see here for more info: link).

    Critical Success
    • If you roll a 20 on a SIEGE roll, good things happen.  GREAT SUCCESS. 
    • CK and/or player come up with something.

    Critical Failure
    • Likewise, if you roll a 1, bad things happen.  FRANK DREBIN ACTION.
    • CK and/or player comes up with something.

    September 16, 2024

    My Castles & Crusades House Rules: Part 2 - Combat


    • Initiative will be resolved by the book with the following changes/clarifications:
      • We will use a d12 instead of a d10. (Why? Because f*ck you, that's why.)
    • Ties with opponents go to the player.
    • Ties between players are resolved by the players (roll off, discussion, etc.).

    Surprise Roll
    • The CK will roll as normal. 
    • For the players, each player will roll a make a wisdom or dexterity check. 
    • The highest roll will be used for the entire group.

    Shields and Dual Weapon Wielding
    • If a PC fights with two weapons, the standard attack penalties apply if the PC wishes to attack with both weapons during the round. Otherwise, the second weapon (which must be medium or smaller), grants an AC bonus.
    Small Weapon
    • +1 to AC but only for one attack per round (which will be the first attack unless otherwise specified by the player).
    • No AC bonus versus ranged attacks.
    Medium Weapon
    • +1 to AC for all attacks that round
    • No AC bonus versus ranged attacks
    • +1 bonus to the AC bonus listed in the Players Handbook  (i.e., +1 to whatever a shield normally gives)
    • AC bonus against both melee and ranged attacks

    Critical Success & Failures

    Critical Hits
    • A natural 20 always hits. 
    • If that is the only way the PC could hit, there is no extra bonus. 
    • Critical hits are resolved via “Great Hits & Terrible Misses” tables from The Crusader #7 (although a “00” result will result in a re-roll instead of instant death).
    • Players can always opt to do standard, critical damage instead of using the tables.
    • When a PC is the victim of a critical hit, the player can decide whether to receive the normal critical damage or to suffer the effects of the tables.
    Critical Fumbles
    • A natural 1 always misses. 
    • If the PC would normally hit (i.e., due to attack bonuses), it is simply a miss.
    • Critical hits are resolved via “Great Hits & Terrible Misses” tables from The Crusader #7 (although a “00” result will result in a re-roll instead of instant death).

    September 10, 2024

    My Castles & Crusades House Rules: Part 1 - Player Characters

    Ensemble of Characters
    • Each player can have up three PCs at his/her disposal. 
    • This three includes any fallen PCs hoped to return to the land of the living. 
    • If a PC ever dies, the player has the option of reserving a slot for that PC or may create a new PC for that slot. 
    • Players may choose any PC prior to the session as long as we are not starting the session mid-combat. In other words, if we end one session while the party is knee-deep in the undead, the PC that was involved must still be involved in the next session. However, if the session ends with the party making camp or simply out of danger, the player can choose to use a different PC the next session. 
    • Please note, whatever items one PC carries are owned by that particular PC. On a case by case basis, the CK may allow players to have one PC give an item to another character so that character can give the item to another ensemble PC the next time that PC is played.
    Character Level
    • First level at campaign launch, afterwards 1d3 levels less than the highest level party member
    Ability Scores
    • Create 3 sets of stats rolling 4d6 and dropping the lowest roll. The player picks the best of the three, but has to assign them in order.
    Starting Hit Points
    • Maximum HP for level 1; new levels: reroll once if the result it a one. If the second time is also a one, it was meant to be.
    • Standard races
    • No evil alignments (I ain't got time for player vs. player conflict).
    Starting Wealth
    • Standard
    Supplemental Rules

    September 2, 2024

    Update for Those Who Give Two Squats

      Overall Update:

      "Tax Collector" by Eric V. Art

      I'm going to try to come out of blogger retirement here.  Let's see how it goes. 

      My daughters, Chaos and Mayhem, are both much older.  Chaos being at college and Mayhem now in high school.

      • A few things stacked up that put me on a partial hiatus of sorts for a few years: we moved; I took a promotion at work (more coin, less time); and my daughters' activities ramped up.
      • Despite invites by my crew, I had trouble syncing up with them over the years. It's definitely a "me" problem. Bad timing and me being a lazy arse. Hopefully, I can correct this long-overdue matter. 
      • Over time, I somehow stumbled into two new groups.  The stars aligning as my kids got older and their after-school demands slowing down.
        • Group 1: Some remote friends talked me into playing Pathfinder 1e... and God bless them for doing so. It was a freaking blast.
        • Group 2: I was invited to a 5e D&D game by run by a G.A.S.P. DM.... and God bless them for doing so. It too was a freaking blast.

      August 27, 2012

      The Ballad of the Swiftblade

      [original post 8/27/24; updated 12/6/24]

      After a long hiatus, my group finally got a chance to play some C&C last Friday.  It was a blast of a session.

      Our campaign is set in the Southern Reaches of the Wilderlands, with the party operating out of Sacred Rock. They decided to follow-up on an old adventure lead about an abandoned guard tower outside of town. Quite some time back, they saw a gargoyle floating around there.

      A darkwing (notably, not Darkwing Duck).
      There was a stable and an armory on the ground level, and the upper levels consisted of  a series of walkways (i.e., upper interior was mostly hollow). After breaking in and battling some zombie guardsmen, they were set upon by darkwings and, later, a gargoyle swooping down from the upper reaches of the tower.

      It was a tremendous battle with plenty of "fantasy #@#$! Vietnam"-style play. Thanks to a critical hit dealt out by the gargoyle, the party's wood elf ranger, Ash Swiftblade, bled out at the very end.  The party's bard player posted the ballad below on the campaign's EpicWords site afterwards [Epic words is now defunct].

      As much as I take pot-shots at bards, there is no doubt this is awesome:

      The Ballad of the Swiftblade

      To the forgotten tower I did journey
      with Wil, Gravel, Ash, and Antonin
      through its sealed doors we sought the secrets 
      held in darkness within.

      The air was thick with dust and must
      We found arms and bones of horse
      But in its draft we did find 
      something much, much worse.

      Bold Gravel cried, "I need no help
      To vanquish this undead foe!"
      But was soon beset by death
      taken wing to dive from above to below.

      Swift as his blade, Ash ran up,
      his companion beset by undead scum
      but a rushing, flapping sound from above
      foretold of death to come.

      Wings violet as night swarm in the dark
      trimmed with fangs and claws
      that will lift you up to heights so high
      that the fall should give any man pause

      A swarm so large it should be said
      that it could even lift large Gravel
      "We must pull back!" the Swiftblade said
      "Lest upwards you wish to travel!"

      Gravel found the quickest way down,
      landing with a sickening thud
      "To the armory!" the Swiftblade called
      "They'll not have our blood!"

      Through a hail of death taken wing
      We struggled to the door
      When it was slammed and leaned upon
      We numbered only four

      Potions were quaffed by one and all
      both magics and fermented
      The door was braced, but slowly gave
      under attack unrelented.

      As we took stock and readied to fight
      to the bold and bitter death
      When the scratching and clawing of our foe
      eased like a sighing breath.

      "This is our chance!" the Swiftblade growled
      "We open this door and fight!"
      All agreed and so we did,
      his blade the first to cut right.

      Only a few remained, the rest drawn away
      A riddle quickly won
      When a voice we heard, Antonio's cry out
      "These beasts, they fear the sun!"

      Took flight we did for the door we came in,
      cutting through the winged lot
      seeking the solace of the sun
      and its warming rays most hot.

      As we did a beast did join, 
      larger than the rest
      It sought our blood as its favorite sweet
      Nearly putting enormous Gravel to his rest.

      Wil came up to the giant half-man,
      "We make our stand now and here!"
      And all did turn to fire upon
      the gargoyle without fear.

      Know that gargoyles are not the sort to shy
      with their stony bodies and hide
      Though pelt it we did with arrows and blows
      With our line it did collide.

      "You'll not have my friends!" the Swiftblade yelled
      His sword arced for a mighty blow
      But the gargoyle tore with tooth and claw
      to lay him bloody low.

      As there he lay, his lifeblood spilling
      He beckoned me to take his blade
      "Take this now and run him through,
      before to darkness I do fade."

      I wish I could say I did such a thing,
      though at least I can say that I tried.
      But even as he lay bleeding he save me once more
      or else I would have died.

      Slick with his blood, I could not stand
      And the gargoyle terrible and fierce
      Expected with my rise to run me through
      With its horns it meant to pierce.

      With it low to the ground my companions did strike
      They ran it through front and back
      And there it fell, beside the Swiftblade
      Its blood as Ash's name most black.

      "Thank you for that," he sighed me
      as he died there in the sun
      But he'd done much, much greater for us
      for because of him the battle was won.

      So when into darkness you must tread
      or through trouble you must wade
      hope you have a noble friend
      as brave as Ash the Swiftblade!