As noted at Under Siege, yours truly has won a "major award." The Castles & Crusades Society held a contest quite some time ago at their, now defunct, forums. The contest required participants to post a short description of just about anything that could be useful in a campaign world. For example, you could post a write-up of a character, a magic artifact, etc. After you made your post, you provided the title for the next poster. In my case, the previous poster had provided the name "Manistus the Scrivener." After I posted my description, I suggested "The Dark Horse of Winter."
I thought the guy's write up of "The Dark Horse of Winter" was pretty badass, actually. It was a a great description about how this constellation called "The Dark Horse of Winter" would ap

Anyhow, my "Manistus the Scrivener" was good enough for sixth place, so that earned me a copy of The Ruins of Ramat, an adventure module that I've heard good things about. Unfortunately, I didn't save a copy of that write up anywhere and I have to wait until the next The DomesdayBook web-zine publishes to read it. I'll be damned if I can remember what I wrote.