How does one become a C&C Ambassador? You fill out an application that demonstrates your grasp of C&C, details your gaming street cred, and indicates the events at which you plan to run some C&C action. I guess I cut the mustard, because Steve Chenault sent me a sweet-ass demo kit called The Harbinger Variant. Keep in mind, this thing is free if you qualify. Being the nice guy that he is, Steve rushed it to me so I would have it in time for StruebCon IV. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to use it because the Variant showed up a day before the event. (I already had Dwarven Glory III and pre-generated PCs ready to rock, so I was prepared anyhow.) Since we didn't get started playing C&C until 1:00 AM, I wouldn't have been able to run the adventures included anyhow as they were too lengthy. I plan to make good use of it at GASPCon, though.
The package that I received included the following in the depicted boxed set:
- a softcover Players Handbook
- two adventures:
- Shadows of Halfling Hall
- The Lure of Delusion (the pre-generated characters for this are: here)
- Six or so uber character record sheets. These are abbreviated rule booklets with a character record sheet for the cover and are meant to be handed out at the event. Steve said he’d send replacements once the originals were used up.
- 1 page instruction sheet
- 1 retailer card to be handed to the retailer for contact information
- 1 catalog (for the CK to show around)
- 6 cards to be filled in by gamer and mailed back to TLG
- 6 order forms