- Origins offers free child care (with purchase of at least a full day ticket). They had a whole room full of board games, a cardboard castle, and piles of LEGOS for the kiddos. They also had volunteers that would teach and play any of the games with the kids while their parents were out and about. I forget the age requirements, but I think Mayhem (nearly 3 years old) might be a bit young for it yet. Chaos (a sagacious 6 years old) would be fine. Expecting them to stay there the whole day would be a bit much, but I certainly could see them logging enough time me to get in a gaming event or two.
- I saw the famous Lou Zocchi school some smart ass kids on dice. Three young boys (early teens) were at his booth and picked up a d100 and were quite impressed until they saw that it cost $10. In that oh-so-annoying-know-it-all-teenage-tone, one boy said to his friends, “I know a cheaper version. It’s called percentile dice.” They all snickered. The boys hadn’t even seemed to notice Lou sitting there. They soon took notice as he went onto provide a lengthy reason for the cost, describing how the d100 was made, etc. (it sounded something akin to this: link). He actually was friendly, but it was funny to see those boys' reactions. They said nothing, but their faces said “Oh shit, we’ve riled a beast.” (On a side note, I found it odd that Game Science Dice had its own booth separate from this guy.)
- If I ever go to a large convention again, such as Origins or GenCon, I think I will reserve a whole day for the Exhibit Hall. I had a great time and was able to really enjoy the hall without worrying about missing an event. If you only have time for one day at a con, you might consider getting a cheap “entry only” day pass and just camping out in the Exhibit Hall. It sort of felt like spending the day at a shopping mall, except it was awesome.
- Origins is too damn close for me to not be going to it each year. I’m looking forward to next year.
Showing posts with label Origins 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Origins 2010. Show all posts
July 26, 2010
A Day Trip to Origins 2010: Part 6 – Miscellaneous and Final Comments
July 15, 2010
A Day Trip to Origins 2010: Part 5 – The Art of Echo Chernik
I took a quick tour of the art exhibit and was quite taken with the art of Echo Chernik. I’m a fan of Alphonse Mucha, so it's no surprise I like her work. Here is a sampling taken from her Web site: link
I have no idea what the “Pie Cthulhu” one is about, but I like it.

I have no idea what the “Pie Cthulhu” one is about, but I like it.
July 14, 2010
A Day Trip to Origins 2010: Part 4 – Demoing WEGS 101: Old Skool and Elfball
I demoed two more
games at Origins 2010. Next up was WEGS (Wickedly Errant Game System) 101: Old Skool by GameWick Games. I was intrigued by the flyer they had set out near registration (I’m a sucker for Old School marketing), so I made a point of trying it. Per their web site, “WEGS is the action-packed, dice-rolling, casino-crazed, sword-n-sorcery system that you and your dice have been waiting for!”
Was it that? Well, it was a decent system but, honestly, I’m having trouble remembering its inner workings. I remember that it only involved d6s and d10s and used various cards to keep track of player abilities. For example, I played a wizard, so all my spells were on individual cards. I think that the cards were an extra player aid (they were selling a special starter pack at the con which had the rulebook and the cards together). The game had some interesting mechanics, such as allowing me to pay spell points to keep various spells in play while casting new spells (which also required the use of more spell points). Every time I cast a spell I had to roll under a certain percentage for it to go off and I could spend spell points to increase my chances of success. But the game just didn’t grab me. There is nothing wrong with WEGS, but nothing made me want to pick it up.
Perhaps it’s more me than this game. I’ve played D&D so much that it’s hard for me to get excited about another fantasy RPG. If I want a fantasy RPG, I turn to D&D. Sure, I like Castles & Crusades, but that is an unabashed derivative of D&D. I have a newfound love of Savage Worlds and one can surely play it as a fantasy RPG (and it has several fantasy supplements), but I can’t imagine myself doing so. Savage Worlds appeals to me because it isn’t inherently a fantasy game. For what it’s worth, I’d be more likely to sign up for a game of WEGS than HackMaster Basic as it certainly plays quicker.
On a side note, regardless of the game system, the term “old school” (or “old skool,” as the case may be), has been beaten to death. What qualifies something as old school? Does it have to be a derivative of a classic RPG, be it D&D, Gamma World, Traveler, etc., as the OSR blogs seem to indicate? Or is it simply a style of play? I’m guessing WEGS is claiming “old school” credentials based on its hack ‘n’ slash play style. I do not have anything against the OSR blogs (far from it, I read a ton of them) or WEGS, but I guess my point is the term has started to lose meaning in the RPG world.
I demoed Elfball by Impact Miniatures last. I had passed by this booth a couple times and finally figured I’d give it a go. Obviously, it looked like a Blood Bowl knock-off (see also Battleball
, which apparently is going for nearly $50, whereas it was going for $10-we-can’t-give-it-away” pricing at Toys R Us a few years back). I’ve never played Blood Bowl, but its look and concept have always appealed to me so, thinking this was something akin to it, I gave it a whirl.
So, let me get this off my chest right out of the gate: I hate the name. I like me some elves in my D&D and, sure, their graceful badasses, but, come on, elf football? I liked the name worse after playing because it’s a misnomer. There are several different types of teams made up of all kinds of fantasy creatures (which serve as the basis to differentiate team stats), so it's not an elf exclusive game.
Ok, so while I don’t like the name, I did enjoy the game. It’s really more of rugby game than American football (although I must confess little knowledge of rugby). The rules explicitly prohibit long bombs (there is an imaginary force field in the center of the field to prevent this) and, the small size of the board forces immediate player contact. I’d say the game felt like Necromunda football. It wasn’t overly complex, but each move (e.g., tackle, shove, etc.) involved a die roll on a particular table for that move, with the roll adjusted by various factors (e.g., bonuses for hitting from the rear, etc.).
The demo guy knew his stuff though, so this was pretty painless.
The Momentum tracker was the most interesting mechanic. During your turn, you can chain together several moves and the more successes you receive, the more your Momentum increases. Once you have enough Momentum, you can spend these points to perform special maneuvers. For example, the demo guy would repeatedly shove my player, gathering momentum, then execute some special move at the end to cap it off. I really liked this mechanic because it simulated the momentum you experience with just about any sport (whether playing it or watching it). Sure, it’s intangible, but few would argue that it doesn’t exist.
The game played a bit slow (and I was a bit antsy, so I didn’t even play a full game), so I can see why the first to score wins (although apparently it’s typical to play 2 out of 3, etc.) It was fun though, so if you’re into this type of board game, it’s worth checking out (not to mention you can check out the rules for free here: link)
Was it that? Well, it was a decent system but, honestly, I’m having trouble remembering its inner workings. I remember that it only involved d6s and d10s and used various cards to keep track of player abilities. For example, I played a wizard, so all my spells were on individual cards. I think that the cards were an extra player aid (they were selling a special starter pack at the con which had the rulebook and the cards together). The game had some interesting mechanics, such as allowing me to pay spell points to keep various spells in play while casting new spells (which also required the use of more spell points). Every time I cast a spell I had to roll under a certain percentage for it to go off and I could spend spell points to increase my chances of success. But the game just didn’t grab me. There is nothing wrong with WEGS, but nothing made me want to pick it up.
Perhaps it’s more me than this game. I’ve played D&D so much that it’s hard for me to get excited about another fantasy RPG. If I want a fantasy RPG, I turn to D&D. Sure, I like Castles & Crusades, but that is an unabashed derivative of D&D. I have a newfound love of Savage Worlds and one can surely play it as a fantasy RPG (and it has several fantasy supplements), but I can’t imagine myself doing so. Savage Worlds appeals to me because it isn’t inherently a fantasy game. For what it’s worth, I’d be more likely to sign up for a game of WEGS than HackMaster Basic as it certainly plays quicker.
On a side note, regardless of the game system, the term “old school” (or “old skool,” as the case may be), has been beaten to death. What qualifies something as old school? Does it have to be a derivative of a classic RPG, be it D&D, Gamma World, Traveler, etc., as the OSR blogs seem to indicate? Or is it simply a style of play? I’m guessing WEGS is claiming “old school” credentials based on its hack ‘n’ slash play style. I do not have anything against the OSR blogs (far from it, I read a ton of them) or WEGS, but I guess my point is the term has started to lose meaning in the RPG world.
So, let me get this off my chest right out of the gate: I hate the name. I like me some elves in my D&D and, sure, their graceful badasses, but, come on, elf football? I liked the name worse after playing because it’s a misnomer. There are several different types of teams made up of all kinds of fantasy creatures (which serve as the basis to differentiate team stats), so it's not an elf exclusive game.
Ok, so while I don’t like the name, I did enjoy the game. It’s really more of rugby game than American football (although I must confess little knowledge of rugby). The rules explicitly prohibit long bombs (there is an imaginary force field in the center of the field to prevent this) and, the small size of the board forces immediate player contact. I’d say the game felt like Necromunda football. It wasn’t overly complex, but each move (e.g., tackle, shove, etc.) involved a die roll on a particular table for that move, with the roll adjusted by various factors (e.g., bonuses for hitting from the rear, etc.).
The Momentum tracker was the most interesting mechanic. During your turn, you can chain together several moves and the more successes you receive, the more your Momentum increases. Once you have enough Momentum, you can spend these points to perform special maneuvers. For example, the demo guy would repeatedly shove my player, gathering momentum, then execute some special move at the end to cap it off. I really liked this mechanic because it simulated the momentum you experience with just about any sport (whether playing it or watching it). Sure, it’s intangible, but few would argue that it doesn’t exist.
The game played a bit slow (and I was a bit antsy, so I didn’t even play a full game), so I can see why the first to score wins (although apparently it’s typical to play 2 out of 3, etc.) It was fun though, so if you’re into this type of board game, it’s worth checking out (not to mention you can check out the rules for free here: link)
July 8, 2010
A Day Trip to Origins 2010: Part 3 – Demoing HackMaster Basic and Savage Worlds
I made good use of my day pass and played quite a few games in the Exhibit Hall. The first game I tried was HackMaster Basic by Kenzer and Company. I’m a sucker for Dwarven Forge setups, and their demo caught my attention right a way (ha, well that and it was right by the door).

HackMaster Basic made quite a stir with classic gaming fans when it hit the shelves and I was eager to try it. First off, I quickly learned that James over at Grognardia was right in that there is little “basic” about it. I’ve since learned that it’s called “Basic” because a more complete “Advanced” version is forthcoming.
Despite the classic look and obvious homage to classic D&D, it’s definitely its own game. For example, combat is counted off in seconds, not rounds. That is, player turns happen by the second rather than by the round. This is kind of cool because it can resolve certain questions rather easily. For example, how far can I climb in a second? The GM and the player should be able to agree on that pretty easily. “Sure, you can get on the table, but not climb that wall.”
So your initiative roll indicates at which second you start. The GM counts up and you act when the count gets to your roll result. The interesting spin thereafter is that you can act any second after that. So if you start at the 5th second, you can act on the 6th second, the 7th and so on, even if that second is someone else’s turn. If I recall correctly, ties are resolved by some kind of initiative score. I can’t recall exactly. Weapon speed determines how quickly you can attack again and you can’t necessarily attack on each turn. For example, if your initiative is 7 and your weapon speed is 5, you can first attack on the 7th second, but can’t attack again with that weapon until 5 seconds later (i.e., the 12th turn).
There were other intricacies too, such as how one’s shield comes into play, etc. In general, it was a very detailed system and it seemed to involve a lot of book-keeping. It was a neat system, but easily as complex as D&D 3.5. The combat rules made a lot sense, but seemed to aim at being so realistic that they would result in a very slow game. Kenzer has free quick-start rules, so you can decide for yourself (although they seem more about character creation than actual play). I have come to believe that less is more (hence the appeal of Castles & Crusades), so I can’t imagine playing this game regularly, or buying the rule book for that matter. I certainly would be up for giving it another whirl at a convention again, though.
Next up was Savage Worlds by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. I’ve been curious about this game for a while. Their booth was in the dead center of the hall and had two very spiffy demo tables. I saddled up to one and asked if I could play.

The guy running the demo did a great job (I wish I could remember his name) and I was quickly knee-deep in a Savage Worlds: Deadlands scenario, my gunslinger rushing up a cliff face to save his lady love from evil cultists.
I skimmed the free Test Drive rules a year or so ago, so I had a basic understanding of the system. Instead of attribute scores, characters assign a die to each attribute (from a d4 to the d12), with the larger the die, the better score. You have to love that the forlorn d12 gets its due and is sort of the “18” of the game. Combat and task resolution are straight forward: you roll the appropriate skill, which is based on an attribute die, and if you beat the target number, you succeed. Typically a 4 or better is a success (naturally, various modifiers apply).
What makes the game mechanic fun is that major players in the game, that is player characters and heavy duty NPCs, are “Wild Cards” and therefore get to roll an extra d6 for just about any roll (except damage, I think). The player can pick the better of the two dice (they don’t add up). Also, there is an “exploding die” mechanic, so if you roll the highest number on a die, you get to keep rolling it, adding the rolls together. If you beat a target number by 4, you get a “raise,” and extra cool stuff can occur (depending on the purpose of the die roll).
All of this adds up to a damn fun mechanic. I guess that is what sets it apart. The Savage Worlds’ dice mechanic is simply fun. There is something about the wild die, the raises and the exploding dice that gives Savage Worlds an extra oomph that makes you eager to see what you roll.

I enjoyed the demo so much that I bought the Savage Worlds: Explorer Edition book (hell, it is only $10). I’ve been giving it a good read-through. In some ways, Savage Worlds feels a bit like a d20 game without the d20. For a game that is known for being simple, it has just as many modifiers and such as d20. I was particularly surprised that the rulebook repeatedly emphasizes that miniatures and a battle-mat should be used. That being said, there are no attacks of opportunities and nothing really seems to slow down combat to the extreme that d20 mechanics can.
Savage Worlds has garnered a strong following and I can see why. [Christina Stiles is working on “savaging” her SpirosBlaak d20 setting into a Savage World one.] I would love to run a campaign that would really put this RPG through its paces. Since it’s a universal system, I would love to run some kind of time traveling campaign in which the each PC is from whatever time period the players wish and then run them through scenarios in the past, present, and future. Anyhow, I highly recommend it.
HackMaster Basic made quite a stir with classic gaming fans when it hit the shelves and I was eager to try it. First off, I quickly learned that James over at Grognardia was right in that there is little “basic” about it. I’ve since learned that it’s called “Basic” because a more complete “Advanced” version is forthcoming.
So your initiative roll indicates at which second you start. The GM counts up and you act when the count gets to your roll result. The interesting spin thereafter is that you can act any second after that. So if you start at the 5th second, you can act on the 6th second, the 7th and so on, even if that second is someone else’s turn. If I recall correctly, ties are resolved by some kind of initiative score. I can’t recall exactly. Weapon speed determines how quickly you can attack again and you can’t necessarily attack on each turn. For example, if your initiative is 7 and your weapon speed is 5, you can first attack on the 7th second, but can’t attack again with that weapon until 5 seconds later (i.e., the 12th turn).
There were other intricacies too, such as how one’s shield comes into play, etc. In general, it was a very detailed system and it seemed to involve a lot of book-keeping. It was a neat system, but easily as complex as D&D 3.5. The combat rules made a lot sense, but seemed to aim at being so realistic that they would result in a very slow game. Kenzer has free quick-start rules, so you can decide for yourself (although they seem more about character creation than actual play). I have come to believe that less is more (hence the appeal of Castles & Crusades), so I can’t imagine playing this game regularly, or buying the rule book for that matter. I certainly would be up for giving it another whirl at a convention again, though.
Next up was Savage Worlds by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. I’ve been curious about this game for a while. Their booth was in the dead center of the hall and had two very spiffy demo tables. I saddled up to one and asked if I could play.
The guy running the demo did a great job (I wish I could remember his name) and I was quickly knee-deep in a Savage Worlds: Deadlands scenario, my gunslinger rushing up a cliff face to save his lady love from evil cultists.
I skimmed the free Test Drive rules a year or so ago, so I had a basic understanding of the system. Instead of attribute scores, characters assign a die to each attribute (from a d4 to the d12), with the larger the die, the better score. You have to love that the forlorn d12 gets its due and is sort of the “18” of the game. Combat and task resolution are straight forward: you roll the appropriate skill, which is based on an attribute die, and if you beat the target number, you succeed. Typically a 4 or better is a success (naturally, various modifiers apply).
What makes the game mechanic fun is that major players in the game, that is player characters and heavy duty NPCs, are “Wild Cards” and therefore get to roll an extra d6 for just about any roll (except damage, I think). The player can pick the better of the two dice (they don’t add up). Also, there is an “exploding die” mechanic, so if you roll the highest number on a die, you get to keep rolling it, adding the rolls together. If you beat a target number by 4, you get a “raise,” and extra cool stuff can occur (depending on the purpose of the die roll).
All of this adds up to a damn fun mechanic. I guess that is what sets it apart. The Savage Worlds’ dice mechanic is simply fun. There is something about the wild die, the raises and the exploding dice that gives Savage Worlds an extra oomph that makes you eager to see what you roll.
I enjoyed the demo so much that I bought the Savage Worlds: Explorer Edition book (hell, it is only $10). I’ve been giving it a good read-through. In some ways, Savage Worlds feels a bit like a d20 game without the d20. For a game that is known for being simple, it has just as many modifiers and such as d20. I was particularly surprised that the rulebook repeatedly emphasizes that miniatures and a battle-mat should be used. That being said, there are no attacks of opportunities and nothing really seems to slow down combat to the extreme that d20 mechanics can.
Savage Worlds has garnered a strong following and I can see why. [Christina Stiles is working on “savaging” her SpirosBlaak d20 setting into a Savage World one.] I would love to run a campaign that would really put this RPG through its paces. Since it’s a universal system, I would love to run some kind of time traveling campaign in which the each PC is from whatever time period the players wish and then run them through scenarios in the past, present, and future. Anyhow, I highly recommend it.
July 7, 2010
July 6, 2010
A Day Trip to Origins 2010: Part 1 – Meetin’ folks
I arrived at the convention just prior to the Exhibit Hall opening. I debated getting a full-fledged day badge, which would have been $30 plus whatever event tickets I bought. The Pathfinder events were tempting, but, in the end, I opted to go on the cheap and spent $5 for a day pass (which provided access to the Exhibit Hall and open gaming). Besides, I figured I could get my fix in the Exhibit Hall and I wanted to keep my schedule open so I could meet up with some folks.
First off, I met the Tabletop Adventures crew. A couple years back, Vicki Potter (TTA editor) posted an open call for a proofreader on ENWorld and I responded. I helped proofread and edit the second printing of Against the Darkness, their Vatican horror RPG (a cool mix of action and The Exorcist-style horror). Check it out if you get a chance. It was nice to finally meet the TTA team in person, as we had communicated solely via email for the proofreading project. I myself picked up a copy of The Mother of All Treasure Tables, which they were kind enough to sign. This book is a true gem and I highly recommend it. It fits in well with the TTA motto of providing “help for the harried GM.”
I also meet up with some folks from the Troll Lord Games forums, namely Christina Stiles and Duke Omote (a.k.a. Derrick). Christina is the author of the excellent SpirosBlaak setting book and was kind enough to provide Omote and I with signed copies. SpirosBlaak is a great setting: 160 pages of lycanthrope and black powder madness. I originally came across it during one of Green Ronin’s sales and picked it up on a whim. It turned out to be my favorite item from that purchase and is definitely on my “to do” list of campaign settings. She also has written several adventures for The Crusader magazine and other goodies. Check out her stuff at Misfit Studios.
The three of us swapped gaming stories, chatted about C&C and Savage Worlds (Christina is a big fan and I’m coming around). It was great to actually meet these folks in person. Omote and I share a common passion for Rappan Athuk and we swapped war stories. Omote’s group actually finished it and hearing that was a shot in the arm. Time to kick my own campaign into high gear.
We talked a lot about other conventions and I hope to meet up with Christina and Omote, and hopefully more of the TLG forum crew, at Con on the Cob in the fall.
I know I’m a bit late to the game here on Origins, but I have more posts to come, including a general photo dump and a review of the few games I demoed.
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