Showing posts with label Brian Thomas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brian Thomas. Show all posts

June 30, 2010

More Great Art by Brian Thomas

More great art by Brian Thomas of Three-headed Troll Art Wurks.

January 18, 2010

One of My Favorite Gaming Artists

Brian "Glad" Thomas is one of my favorite gaming artists.  I first encountered him at the Troll Lord Games forum in his "Glad's drawings of the adventuring life....." thread, and have since found his Web site, Three-Headed Troll Art Wurks.    "Drawings of the adventuring life" is an accurate title for his work.  I certainly appreciate the old-school style of the art, but what I like most is that his illustrations depict scenes of what really happens to the characters of a D&D party.  There is plenty of great art out there based on gaming, but usually it is on a scale more epic or heroic than what happens in your typical D&D session.  A typical D&D session, is full of action, humor, and perhaps a tiny bit of horror.  Brian Thomas captures this perfectly.

Here are few of my favorites.