August 21, 2012

The Dungeon Bastard on my DMing Style

I wasn't able to attend GenCon this year, but two of my friends, Hans and John made it, and they met the one and only Bill Cavalier - Dungeon Bastard!

They told them how, after a year of play, they are only 3rd level in my campaign.  This was his reaction.

It reads, "DAN - QUIT BEING A DICK."

Close up.

REJECTED from The Badass Dungeon Crushers Association!


  1. Are you kidding? A year and 3rd level sounds mighty old-school and right to me. Suppose it depends on what classes they are playing.

  2. Stay true, and keep those XPs slim!

  3. Awesome. Something to pull out anytime my players complain about leveling.

    Out of curiosity, how much of the slow leveling is due to infrequent game sessions vs. low combat/high RP vs. low XP per encounter?

    As an aside, it's nice to have stumbled upon a fellow game mastering dad/blogger.

    1. We try to play twice a month, but it tends to dwindle to once a month during the summer.

      I'm running C&C by the book, so a lot of XP comes in big chunks of GP when the party hits a treasure horde. They do get XP for monsters slain, RPing, etc., too though.

      They might be higher level now if they didn't themselves TPKed!

    2. Dan is fair and the game is fun. I feel that's the only reason to play, right? XP be damned!

  4. Technically, I think that's Tom Lommel you ran into - although I'm not sure why he is the face of Dungeon Bastard - I guess Bill Cavlier runs the Dojo from behind the scenes.

