May 4, 2011

Nice Finds at Michael's

I stopped by Michael's the other day and saw these sitting on a shelf.  They might make great terrain for D&D, miniatures war gaming (the palace in particular looks great for Ambush Alley), and so on.  They were about $7 to $9 a piece.

UPDATE: These things are actually birdhouses. You can also find them on eBay if you search for "unpainted wooden castle."  I can't find them on the Michael's web site.


  1. What are they called, or what 'department' are they in? Their web site is not the greatest for locating specific things.

  2. Wow, the Michael's web site stinks. At the store, they were in a large aisle full of unpainted, wooden crafts. It was a main aisle.

  3. So after some Googling, it appears that these things are actually birdhouses:

    I still can't find them at the Michael's web site.

  4. Thanks for that. Yeah, Michael's has one of the worst sites I've ever seen for a company that profits from sales. I'll take a look around and see if I can find them anywhere else too.
