March 17, 2011

Bard's Gate Wilderness Area (The Lyre Valley) Player's Map

My players are exploring the wilderness area north of Bard's Gate, known as the Lyre Valley.  There isn't a player's map available, so I worked up one via Hexographer.  It's not the greatest map, but I thought I'd share.  Here is a download link: Lyre Valley Map

UPDATE: Leadjunkie at the Necromancer Games forums reminded me that Clark Peterson's original DM map was available.  I updated this to match it (it was much easier to read than the one in the book itself).  I also added in some town names.


  1. What do you think of Hexographer? It seems pretty handy. I might try to do a hex map of The Midnight Setting (by Fantasy Flight Games).

  2. It's pretty slick. I used the free, online version. I was originally going to use AutoRealm, but it didn't have a mountain hex tile (everything but, which was weird).

    It was slow going, but I was recreating an existing map and trying to get it "just right." I had the same issue with AutoRealm when I redid a dungeon map once. Making a free-form map would likely be easier (with either of them).

  3. If you run into problems with Hexographer or have ideas for new features, please let me know. (Contact is in the software's Help->About window.) I try to keep my eyes out for feedback. Glad you like it so far!

  4. Joe, it's very slick. The more I use it, the easier it gets.

  5. The memories of Crucible of Freya are coming back... Good times! :)
