October 20, 2010

15 Games in 15 minutes Meme

Ok, my turn for this meme. The rules for the uninitiated: Don't take too long to think about it. Fifteen games you've played that will always stick with you. List the first 15 you can recall in no more than 15 minutes.

In no particular order apart from how they popped into my head.

Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D through 3.5)

Castles & Crusades (was tempted to include this above, but kept it separate due to the SIEGE mechanic)

The Classic Dungeon




Magic: The Gathering

Call of Cthulhu

Gamma World (4th edition of GW, not the current one based on D&D 4e which I have not played)

Arhkam Horror

Ambush Alley (made me realize there is such a thing as a rules-light war game)

Battle Tech

War Gods

Nite Life (and old RPG with vampires and werewolves)

Battle Masters (the old miniatures board game)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, considering those are 15 games Frost and I have played together over the years.

    For me, in no particular order;

    -Space Hulk - Salivated over this and lusted for it for years. Was too expensive. Then re-released in its most expensive form ever, and I snatched it up instantly.

    -Crossbows and Catapults- Played this game... a LOT.. in 2nd grade when I lived in Reston, VA.

    -Dungeons and Dragons "The Red Box" - i.e. basic D&D. Taught to me by one JT Smith on graph paper. Got hooked... bad.. That was a gamechanger in life.

    -Torpedo Run- Floor Wars. Not great, but oh so big.

    - Stratego. Classic.. Still great.

    - Parcheesi- This was our family game. Lose power, get the board out..

    - Dark Tower- mechanized electronic awesomeness straight outta hell. Another coveted game that Mr. Wallace had (from parents).

    - Atmosfear- First time of a fun game with a creepy "crypt keeper" played on VHS and a boardgame. More Wallace gaming.

    - Magic the Gathering- My name is Steve, and I am a Magigholic.. Hi Steve.

    -Settlers of Catan - The game that crossed me from being drawn by thematic content to mechanic quality.

    - Battlemasters - So huge. So many great minis. Multiple copies made Lord of the Rings battles look small scale.

    - Star Wars Minis- The deadly medly of thematic content, sound game play, and collectability. Do you take credit?

    - Hearts- Yeah, I am down 80 points, but THIS time, for real, I am going to shoot the moon.

    - Battletech- 150 tons of armor, 8 of your friends, 21 straight hours of dice and modifiers.

    - Pandemic - Sure we've lost 56 times, but the 57th time is a charm.
