May 26, 2010

Stargazer's Tip for a Cheap Dry Erase Battlemat

Sunglar posted a nice way to get a cheap dry erase battlemat from Costco: Cheap battlemats! The board is pre-gridded, so no need to score it.  I remember seeing this white board at Costco years ago and had the same thought.  Great minds think a like.

(This article might be well-known in the blogosphere, but I wasn't sure, so I figured I'd share.)

1 comment:

  1. I am SO glad you liked it Dungeoneering Dad! While I will say they are not as portable as a mat you just roll up and store in a tube, they are durable, resilient and stay put. I buy a lot of things for my gaming room at big discount stores, from foldable chairs, to collapsible tables, bulletin boards for posting news, keeping initiative; even the erasable markers are available in large bulk packages and good distribution of colors. Happy gaming!
