May 5, 2010

Fantasy Forest Books and Their Great D&D Art

I took snapshots of some of the interior art from the Fantasy Forest books.  The picture quality isn't the best, but I tried.

Mario Macari, Jr.'s art from The Ring, the Sword, and the Unicorn

Michael Fishlel's art from Ruins of Rangar

Pamela Summertree's art from Dungeon of Darkness

Mario Macari, Jr.'s art from Star Rangers and the Spy 
(Star Frontiers!)


  1. Love the pig-faced orcs and the two fighting the skeletons, lot of mood in that latter one.
    Is that a stirge attack the guy on the guy/kid/elf on the pegasus?

  2. Yep, it sure is. The "guy/kid/elf" is the protagonist (i.e., the reader).

  3. I never had much affection for Stiges back in the day, but Bill and Clark's enthusiasm over them was catching and now I've added them to my arsenal when stocking dungeons.
